
Perfect Smile: Navigating Dental Implants and Braces

Perfect Smile: Navigating Dental Implants and Braces

In the quest for the ideal smile, individuals often confront a crucial choice: should they go for a dental implant before or following the straightening of their teeth? This is a more frequent dilemma than one might assume, particularly for older adults tackling the absence of teeth and alignment problems. In this thoroughly detailed guide, we will navigate the many pathways and variables of this appearance-altering decision, hopefully making the road smoother for you as a dental patient heading toward your aesthetic goal.

Understanding Dental Implants and Braces

Before delving into ‌timing, a brief refresher on dental implants and orthodontic braces may be in order:

Dental Implants

They are surgically implanted artificial tooth roots. They are typically made of titanium, but different materials can be used, and they are installed into the jawbone. They offer a stable foundation for permanent and removable replacement teeth designed to resemble your own teeth. They are not meant for everyone; the problems they are designed to remedy are relatively severe and long-standing.


Braces are orthodontic devices utilized to correct the alignment of teeth & jaws that are not straight. They are used with children, teenagers, and adults—certainly not most adults, but a significant number. And orthodontists who use them say they are among the most effective devices in their trade. When you look at what the braces are doing, you can see that they’re pulling some teeth into line and pushing others into proper positions. Braces solve problems of crowding, space, and growth; they work on something called alignment, which is the arrangement of the teeth and jaws with each other.

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The Timing Dilemma: Implant Before or After Braces?

Let’s address the main question: Should you get a dental implant before or after braces? The answer isn’t always straightforward and depends on several factors. Let’s explore both scenarios:

Scenario 1: Getting a Dental Implant Before Braces


  1. Enhanced ability to chew: If a tooth is missing in a key area, like the molars, it makes sense to restore that first so you can chew better while orthodontic treatment is fixing your other teeth.
  2. Keeping the space: An implant can help maintain the space and keep the teeth right next to a gap tooth from drifting into the near-vacant space when a person is undergoing treatment.
  3. Restoring self-esteem: For many people, a gap in their smile is a serious dent in their self-image. Closing that gap can help a person feel better and more confident.


  1. Impaired movement: Once in place, the device has limited motion compared to natural teeth, which can restrict the orthodontist’s efforts to obtain ideal tooth alignment.
  2. Placement problems: If an implant is placed too soon, it will probably end up in a location that does not harmonize with adjacent teeth.
  3. Need for re-implantation: If an orthodontist determines that an implanted device does not comply with the treatment plan, the implant must be extracted and reinserted after braces have moved the surrounding teeth.

Scenario 2: Getting Braces Before a Dental Implant


  1. Better implant positioning: When the teeth are aligned, your dentist can determine the best position for the implant, which will result in a more natural appearance.
  2. Enhanced overall alignment: An orthodontist addresses alignment issues before the implant placement, allowing for a more effective and comprehensive smile modification.
  3. Reduced risk of complications: With properly aligned teeth, there’s less chance of the implant interfering with your bite or causing issues with surrounding teeth.


  1. Extended treatment time: You’ll need to wait until your orthodontic treatment is complete before getting the implant, which can be frustrating if you’re eager to fill a visible gap.
  2. Short-term cosmetic issues: Some patients may be concerned that their appearance will suffer because they will be without a tooth for the duration of their orthodontic therapy.
  3. Possible bone reduction: If there is a protracted lag between the tooth’s loss and the implant’s placement, you could experience some reduction in the bone in that area. This might necessitate a graft to the site before we place the implant.

Factors Influencing the Decision

When deciding whether to get a dental implant before or after braces, consider the following factors:

  1. Location of the missing tooth: The exact spot of a lost tooth determines whether to replace it. Getting an implant early is recommended if it’s noticeable, like on the lower jaw. If it’s in a less visible area, waiting until after braces to benefit from overall alignment might be better.
  2. Age and growth: It is proposed that patients with young jaw growth delay the implanting process until the jaw’s growth is over. These usually take place when the girl is 18 years old while the boy is 21 years old.
  3. Extent of orthodontic work needed: Patients who need complicated orthodontic treatment may need to finish their treatment before they opt for an implant. This gives better control of the forces that move the teeth and the final positioning of the implant.
  4. Overall oral health: This involves your oral health and the status of your gums and the remaining teeth in the mouth, and this will determine when the patient will be placed with the implant and when he/ she will undertake the orthodontic treatment.
  5. Bone density: There must be enough bone mass to accommodate the implant because it is a very sensitive procedure. If you have lost teeth for a long time, you may need a bone graft before the implant, which may alter your treatment schedule.
  6. Financial considerations: The cost and duration of both procedures may also affect the decision. Some patients may decide to space the treatments because of the costs that can be incurred in a single session.

Your Role in the Decision-Making Process

A patient has the responsibility of making decisions in this health decision-making process. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Consult multiple specialists: It is important that you consult an orthodontist, implant specialist, and general dentist.
  2. Ask questions: You may find out that one approach is not suitable for another, and it’s alright to inquire about the strengths and weaknesses of each mode according to the circumstances of your case.
  3. Consider your priorities: Consider such questions as what is more important: how quickly the procedure will be performed or the result a patient will get, or whether he/she would prefer to have several procedures done with different results or several procedures with the same result but a bit different appearance.
  4. Discuss your lifestyle: Do not hesitate to discuss working, social, or any issues concerning the treatment procedures.
  5. Understand the financial implications: Clear information about the expenses expected from each of these approaches is necessary and regarding coverage, the insurance company must be consulted.


The decision to get a dental implant and when to get it, either before or after braces, is difficult because it depends on the various factors of a particular patient. There are rules, of course, but finding the approach that will be good for you will depend on your dental condition, your general health, and your preferences.

Orthodontic treatment before dental implants usually gives the best results, but sometimes, implants before or during treatment can be useful. Work with your dental team to plan your treatment and understand the pros & cons of each approach. With the right guidance, you can achieve a healthy, beautiful smile.

 We will first examine your specific case, discuss the measures that need to be taken, and develop the best strategy for you. Contact us or via our website at Ramlaoui Clinic. If you’ve been thinking about getting cosmetic dentistry, contact us to schedule your appointment today and take the first step to achieving that healthy and pretty smile you’ve always wanted.

Your smile is here, and our team will ensure you achieve it!

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